Safeguarding Adults in Health and Social Care
Safeguarding Adults in Health and Social Care
Learning Nexus
Health and Social Care Certificate Equivalents
The Care Act 2014, which addresses the protection of adults, defines adult safeguarding as “protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect”. Safeguarding adults requires those supporting or caring for them to prevent - or at the very least reduce - the risk of significant harm from abuse or exploitation, whilst helping them to take control of their lives by making informed choices.
All health and social care workers have this responsibility for the adults in their care, particularly for those who are especially vulnerable. This course aims to enable the learner to recognise the indicators of adult abuse and/or neglect, understand the circumstances that may lead to it, and become aware of the responsibilities for the safeguarding of adults placed upon them personally, and on local authorities.
The duration of this course is 20 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
This course covers:
• Defining the term ‘safeguarding adults’
• Types of adult abuse and neglect and their indicators
• Groups most at risk
• Local authority responsibilities
• Safeguarding Adults Boards
• Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR)
• The role of dignity and rights in safeguarding adults
• The role of person-centred care in safeguarding adults
• The six safeguarding principles (Care Act 2014)
• Raising concerns
• Information sharing
• Obtaining advice and information
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Safeguarding Adults in Health and Social Care
Learning Nexus